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Case sensitivity
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Case sensitivity

2. Case sensitivity
A case sensitive notation means that the following names are all different.
DELETE dELETE DeLETE deLETE DElETE dElETE DelETE delETE DELeTE dELeTE DeLeTE deLeTE DEleTE dEleTE DeleTE deleTE DELEtE dELEtE DeLEtE deLEtE DElEtE dElEtE DelEtE delEtE DELetE dELetE DeLetE deLetE DEletE dEletE DeletE deletE DELETe dELETe DeLETe deLETe DElETe dElETe DelETe delETe DELeTe dELeTe DeLeTe deLeTe DEleTe dEleTe DeleTe deleTe DELEte dELEte DeLEte deLEte DElEte dElEte DelEte delEte DELete dELete DeLete deLete DElete dElete Delete delete

A case insensitive notation would consider the all of the above the same identifiers. In general, try not to use case-sensitive identifiers. I like case-retention with formatter macro issue support to make source consistent.

3. Just because
Just because you can do it does not mean you should do it.

A good programming picks a subset of a language and then uses that subset.

If the language has too many ways to do things, such as PHP, different programmers will pick different subsets to use. This can make it difficult for a programmer to work with another programmer's code.

4. URL's
Is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) case-sensitive?


Note: The domain name is not case sensitive, but the path within the domain depends on the web server operating system used.

5. Files
Is a file reference case-sensitive? For example, image.jpg is different than image.JPG on a Linux web server but the same on a Windows web server.

6. Windows file system
The Microsoft Windows file system is case-retentive in that it retains the case of a name, but does not use it for matching purposes.

Thus, image.jpg would match image.JPG. What does it mean to be required to use case-sensitive identifiers? Give a specific example.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640