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Counterfactual reasoning
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Counterfactual reasoning
Counter-factual reasoning, or logic, is reasoning that is "counter to fact" and is one of the basic ways in which humans reason and is part of the field called "casual reasoning".

Human beings tend to reason using counter-factual (counter to fact, or what if) logic, as pointed out by famous computer scientist Judea Pearl.

2. Judea Pearl
Judea Pearl was the winner of the 2011 ACM Turing Award for "For fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence through the development of a calculus for probabilistic and causal reasoning ".

Information sign More: Judea Pearl

3. Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent SystemsProbabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems

4. Speed cameras
The following has been noticed. Is this a causal relationship? Did the speed camera cause the accidents to decrease?

What are other reasons why accidents might have gone down at this intersection?

5. Counterfactual claim
For causation, the following argument is often used. How do we know what might have happened if the speed camera were not installed?

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640