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Using Excel Solver
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Using Excel Solver
Microsoft Excel contains a Solver that can solve linear programming problems. The previous problem can be solved with the following starting values, which are provided as output of the "LPSolves" program.

(XLS omitted)

Spreadsheet values before running Solver:

(values omitted)

Spreadsheet formulas before running Solver:

(formulas omitted)

One way to run the Solver for the previous problem is as follows. These hints are provided by "LPSolves". The copied worksheet output from "LPSolves" can be pasted into an Excel worksheet, and the "Kithara", "LPSolves" menu option can be selected from the "Kithara-enhanced" Excel spreadsheet to automatically perform these actions. The reports, however, must be created manually.

Note that the Microsoft Excel Solver uses the following terminology. (XLS omitted)

Spreadsheet values after running Solver:

(values omitted)

Spreadsheet formulas after running Solver:

(formulas omitted)

One way to create the reports is as follows. Answer report values:

(values omitted)

Sensitivity report values:

(values omitted)

Limits report values:

(values omitted)

Require: Linear programming

Use "LPSolves", or other approved linear programming software, to solve a problem specified by the instructor. Answer and/or do the following. Where appropriate, do not type in the answer. Instead, copy-paste from the program/output.

by RS : 1024 x 640