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Graphical models
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Graphical models
Graphical models are a visual form of Bayesian networks that can be developed to solve problems.

This huge area of research is cutting edge, complex, and not always easily used.

The book "Probabilistic Graphical Models". by Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman, is a very good reference but is over 1200 pages long and not always easy reading and/or understanding.

2. Daphne Koller
Daphne Koller has some good YouTube videos on the subject of Probabilistic Graphical Models that cover parts of the introductory material in her book.

3. Graphical model concepts
Let us look at some simple graphical model concepts.

Consider A, B, and C as three distinct subsets of nodes an a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).

For nodes, A, B, and C, the joint probability is as follows.

Graphical model
Note the different conjunction or intersection operators that have the same meaning: "," (comma), "" (and), "&" (and), "" (intersection).

4. Ways
The joint probability of nodes A, B, and C can be determined from the graphical model, which implicitly contains independence relations.

There are three primary ways in which distinct A, B, and C can be related. Other ways can be reduced to these three by symmetry considerations. For each, the joint probability can be expressed.

5. C to A and C to B
C to A and C to B: c to a and b

C to A and B

6. A to C and B to C
A to C and B to C: a and b to c

A and B to C

7. A to B to C
A to B to C a to b to c

A to B to C

8. Compositional models
Graphical models can be composed to allow arbitrarily complex models to be used.

9. Generative graphical models
A graphical model provides a convenient way in which to represent problems involving probabilities so that the Model can be inferred from the Data. Graphical modelConsider the following simple graphical model. In this diagram, θ represents a probability distribution of X that is to be estimated.

Assume that θ is known.

10. Machine learning
Machine learning is a collection of statistical techniques to infer models and make predictions, often in the processing of big data. Everything being equal, an unsupervised method is preferred to a supervised method.

A generative model that well be considered is that of topic modeling using various methods.

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640