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Graphics coordinate systems
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Graphics coordinate systems
A major consideration when programming graphics and visualizations is the coordinate system used.

The main part of this is the location of the origin. The next part is the measurement units. Graphics systems use a canvas in two dimensions.

To use a canvas, you should be familiar with the Cartesian coordinate system, named for Rene Descartes in the 1600's.

2. The canvas
Graphics coordinate systemThe canvas is initially blank. Dimensions are, by default, in pixels (i.e., dots on the screen).

The maximum values in each direction depend on the size of the window.

Note: Some graphics systems, such as Post Script, have the point (0,0) in the lower left rather than the upper left. Graphics coordinate system

3. Measurement units
There are various ways to "measure" the size of a graphic or image.

A pixel, for "picture element", is a dot on the screen.

4. Dots per inch
The term DPI (Dots Per Inch) is commonly used for measurement. However, most monitors/systems do not provide a way to reliably get the DPI. This is a perversive problem and there are many ideas and "tricks" on the Internet to get around this issue.

By convention, 72 dpi is 1 inch.

5. CSS
The CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) system for HTML web pages uses DPI.

The results tend to not be consistent across devices.

6. Image presentation
In presenting images in a number of contexts (monitor, mobile device, tablet, etc.) I have found that the best way is to determine the desired height of a row of text or base font in terms of rows, columns, pixels, etc.

All image heights are then expressed (in my system) as a desired number of rows. In a mobile or web page setting, JavaScript can then adjust all text and images to appear as desired.

In documents (docx) and presentations (pptx) the same principle can be used when generating the docx, pptx, etc.

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640