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Internet searches: Estimating probabilities
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Internet searches: Estimating probabilities
This page looks at one way to use advanced Internet searches to estimate certain probabilities.

The notes date from the Presidential election of 2000 when Bill Clinton was President and Al Gore was the Democratic nominee and George Bush (son) was the Republican nominee.

2. Search companies
At that time, Alta Vista was a popular search engine and Google was an up-and-coming search engine. One of the problems with Internet searches is that there may be too many hits for a given search string. The other problem is that it may be hard to determine how valid the information is that is found with the search.

Many search engines offer advanced search options that support logical operations, resulting in fewer hits that must be looked at.

Many offer shortcuts for advanced logical operations.

3. AltaVista
Alta Vista advanced searchEach search engine has its own syntax for advanced queries.

The results that follow use the Alta Vista search engine, at, as Google did not seem to handle the logical or operation correctly (or, there was something that we could not get right).

4. Clinton-Gore
The results that follow were done in March, 2000, an election year, in which Bill Clinton was President, and Vice President Al Gore was on his way to winning the nomination to run for President.

5. Logical operations

6. Example search
We will search for Clinton and/or Gore. Remember, though, that we will also find hits that do not refer to President Clinton or Vice President Gore.

This would become more problematic when Bush was elected president as there are many hits for the plant variety of "bush".

7. Advanced query options

8. Search hits on 2000-03-13

          hits advanced search --------- ---------------- 1,370,179 Clinton & ! Gore   400,246 Gore & ! Clinton   118,899 Clinton & Gore --------- ---------------- 1,854,859 Clinton | Gore   118,899 Clinton & Gore 1,370,179 Clinton & ! Gore --------- ---------------- 1,482,243 Clinton   118,899 Gore & Clinton   400,246 Gore & ! Clinton --------- ----------------   511,253 Gore

Notice that the numbers do not quite add up, but are very close.

9. Probability
Here is some probability for those interested. Thus, it is about 0.232/0.0802, or about 2.9 times more likely that Clinton is found on a page with Gore on it than Gore is to be found on a page with Clinton on it.

Suppose that Gore wins the election and becomes President. How do you expect that these search results would change?

10. Narrowing the search

          hits advanced search --------- ---------------- 1,449,241 Clinton   581,603 Clinton ~ President   356,430 Clinton ~ Bill

11. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640