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Logical errors
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Three errors puzzle
What is not there may be important?

Consider this self-referential sentence that has real issues. First, find them. Then ask yourself the following question. How easy is it to fix them?

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2. Logical errors
Logical errors can be very difficult to detect because they are based on incorrect assumptions.

3. Program errors
An error in a program is often called a bug.

The goal is to create a bug-free program. There is no reason that a small program should contain bugs.

In large software engineering projects, however, the goal is to have as few critical bugs as possible within the constraints of the resources available to the project.

4. Compile-time errors
Compile-time errors can be of several types.

5. Syntax errors
A syntax error is an error in punctuation, grammar, etc.

6. Semantic errors
A semantic error is an error where the syntax does not make sense.

7. Logical errors
Logical errors are errors based on incorrect assumptions.

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640