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Python: Variables
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Lua: Variables
A computer variable is a named storage location.

2. Variable names
A mathematical variable is a placeholder for a value.

Variable names start with a letter and continue with a letter or digit with no spaces. An underscore character can be used but should not be used as the first character of a variable name.

A variable name identifies that variable. Such names are called identifier

3. Consistency
Whatever method you use for naming variables, be consistent within the same program or group of programs.

4. Example variable name
There are many ways to create a variable for "total hours". Here are some ways. One should not use TOTALHOURS as all uppercase is used (by tradition) for constants (named literals).

A name such as th (for "total hours") is not very meaningful and should be avoided.

5. Variable declarations
The English word "declare" means to say something of importance. Example: The Declaration of Independence.

In many computer languages, computer variables must be declared and initialized before being used. (Being used means being used in an expression).

Some programming languages have implicit declarations.

6. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640