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Closeness: arithmetic and geometric progressions
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Closeness: arithmetic and geometric progressions
Is 50 closer to 16 or 100? What does it mean for number x to be closer to number y than number x is to number z?

2. Arithmetic mean
The arithmetic mean of nonnegative numbers u and w, u < w, is the number v such that the difference between u and v is the same as the difference between v between and w. Therefore:
v - u = w - v v - u + v = w - v + v 2 v - u = w 2 v - u + u = w + u 2 v = w + u 2 v / 2 = (w + u) / 2 v = (w + u) / 2

The arithmetic mean is the same as the mean average.

3. Geometric mean
The geometric mean of positive numbers u and w, u < w, is the number v such that the ratio of v to u is the same as the ratio of w to v. Therefore:
v / u = w / v v * v / u = v * w / v v * v / u = w u * v * v / u = w * u v * v = w * u v = SQRT(w * u)

4. Closeness
Is 50 closer to 16 or 100? What is the conclusion? The conclusion is that Thus, closeness depends on how you define and measure closeness. Is 50 closer to 16 or 100? Explain.

5. Arithmetic series
In an arithmetic series (or list) each term in the series is different from the preceding term arithmetically (i.e., using addition or subtraction).

Arithmetic series examples. Give an example of an arithmetic series.

6. Geometric series
In an geometric series (or list) each term in the series is different from the preceding term geometrically (i.e., using multiplication or division).

7. Population growth
population growth over time

8. Savings growth
savings growth with interest (7.0% is a geometric factor of 1.07)

9. National debt

10. Moore's Law
power of microprocessors (Moore's Law: twice as powerful every 18 months)

11. Musical tones
Musical keyboardfrequency of half tones in music (go up one octave is the tone at twice the frequency)

Give an example of a geometric series.

12. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640