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Math: Exponents and logarithms
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Exponents
For any real number x and any integer exponent m,
xm = x*x*x*...*x

(m times). So exponentiation is a form of repeated multiplication.

2. Rules
The rules
xm * xn = xm+n xm / xn = xm-n (xm)n = xm*n

x-m = 1 / xm

follow from this definition. These rules also hold for any real exponents m and n.

3. Example
What does the following expression when simplified?

23*24 = 23+4 = 27 = 128 = 8 * 16 = 23*24

4. Logarithms
The inverse function of
x = by

is the logarithm function
y = lnb(x)

where b is the base.

5. Bases for logarithms
Common bases are

6. Example
So, if
x = by

y = lnb(x).

This provides a way to perform multiplication (or division) by table lookup and addition (or subtraction). What is the simplified or reduced value of the following expression?

ln2(128) = ln2(27) = 7

For example, suppose that you wish to compute the quantity z where
z = x*y.

Take the logarithm of both sides to get
ln(z) = ln(x*y) = ln(x)+ln(y).

Now take the exponential (the inverse function of the logarithm function, or antilog function) of both sides to get
eln(z) = e(ln(x)+ln(y))

so that
z = e(ln(x)+ln(y)).

7. Summary
So, to multiply x times y,

8. Comparisons
Just as Set up the solution to the problem, "If the population of the world (about 10 billion people) doubles about every 100 years, how long ago were there only 2 people on earth?" as an algebraic expression (but do not evaluate the expression to a solution).

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640