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Average ocean depth
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Average ocean depth
A model is a simplified representation of something (e.g., a reality).

Models can be deceptive. Take, for example, the depth of the ocean.

2. Average ocean depth
OceanThe average ocean depth is over 2 miles deep (12,200 feet).

On a model globe, the oceans (and highest mountains) would be about the thickness of a piece of paper.

3. On the earth
To see this, consider the following calculations. On the earth:
12,000 feet ocean depth --------------------------------- = 0.000284 (depth/diameter) (5,280 feet/mile) * (8,000 miles)

4. On a globe
On a 12-inch globe, this thickness would be as follows.
0.000284 * 12 = 0.0034 inches

5. Ream of paper
Now consider a ream of paper and the thickness of 500 sheets of paper.
(1.5 inches/ream) ----------------- = 0.003 inches/sheet (500 sheets/ream)

So on a model globe, the oceans (and highest mountains) would be about the thickness of a piece of paper.

by RS : 1024 x 640