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Python: Image animation using PIL
1. Python: Image animation using PIL
One way to achieve an image animation is to generate a series of images and then combine them into an image format that supports animation.
One such format is an animated
gif Image file.
The Python PIL library supports this. This page looks at using 3D images created using matplotlib and creating an animated
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image.
2. Animated Pentagram
Here is an animation of a pentagram, which has embedded Golden Ratio's and was studied by Pythagoras.
3. Images
Here is an image of the 36 images generated with a bounding box around each one. A clipping path is used to capture just the part needed for an image.
4. Static image
Here is a static image.
Note that there are two cycles in the flipping and that the progression is geometric and not linear. This is needed so that the animation appears smooth and continuous.
5. Images
6. Program
Here is the Python code [#1]
Here is the output of the Python code.
7. Animated image
Here is the animated image.
8. Tweaks
Note the following.
An animated GIF image does not provide a lot of control over certain animation features.
Some low-level control is possible if the API (Application Program Interface) (in this case, matplotlib) supports that fine-grained control.
One simple way to vary the length of one frame is to just repeat that frame more than once.
GIF specification permits fine-grained control but not necessarily the
API to create the animated image.
9. End of page