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The Python command line
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. The Python command line
If Python is run without a file to load, Python displays a command line into which Python commands (expressions, statements) can be typed.

Python works as if each program part is typed and then evaluated.

For a function, class, etc., only syntax is checked until that part is needed. So an undefined function or class is not detected until that function or class is needed, at which time an error message would be generated.

2. Expressions
Type the following expression and press Enter.

The result of 5 is displayed.

3. Modules
Type the following expression and press Enter.
import numpy

If the numpy module is available, it is loaded and nothing is displayed. That is good.

If not, an error message is displayed. Type the following expression and press Enter.
import numpyx

Unless you actually have a module called numpyx, an error message should be displayed.

4. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640