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Python and JSON issues
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Python and JSON issues
This page is a start at some Python and JSON issues.

For more information on Python and JSON, see Python JSON input . Not all Python features convert to/from JSON. If you get an error on reading or writing JSON, you may have to research it and make some changes to your system (as used by Python). The following do not convert well (or at all). (This list is not complete, just what I have encountered). If I know that I am going to/from JSON, I try to avoid those issues by not using that approach. Usually one goes through the Python JSON library, but if not, Python allows a comma as a terminator (at the end of a list, dictionary, etc.) but JSON does not.

This is important if you are programmatically generating JSON and not using the Python JSON library.

2. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640