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R: Bar chart from CSV
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. R: Bar chart from CSV
This page looks at using CSV data.

An R program is provided to use that CSV data to create a bar chart.

2. Representing and processing count data
Here are links to the topic series of representing and processing data. R examples: Python examples: JavaScript and D3 examples: Julia examples: ... more to be added ... Here is the CSV data to be read.
a,59900 b,11302 c,14311 d,34483 e,95247 f,17852 g,13528 h,62509 i,46347 j,2321 k,4449 l,25939 m,19154 n,51311 o,54741 p,9918 q,183 r,37468 s,44630 t,72396 u,20651 v,7458 w,18376 x,376 y,14814 z,234

3. R code
Here is the R code [#1]

4. Code notes
... more to be added ...

5. R output
Here is the output of the R code.

6. R chart
This is a simple bar chart for the present purposes. Future topics will cover how to make it look nicer.
Here is the chart produced by the R code. Count by Letter

7. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640