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Regular expressions: Tester
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Regular expressions: Tester

2. Regular expression tester
Registers:   r1    r2    r3    r4    r5    r6    r7    r8 
Status: (status messages go here)
Regular expression Match  
Type here:

Expression used:
JavaScript code: (one way)
Test string data Match Group matches
Above is a regular expression tester that can be quite useful when developing a regular expression as cookies are used to save the typed input values to use as a starting point the next time the page is loaded. The instructions are as follows. Note that if the "Regular expression to check" has a syntax error (e.g., mismatched parentheses), then a JavaScript error box may appear when trying to check that regular expression. In that case, just find and fix the "Regular expression to check" and try again.

For more information on regular expressions, see Regular expressions: Introduction .

Historical note: This regular expression checker was originally created in February 2002 using just HTML and JavaScript. It was updated in July 2019 using HTML, JavaScript, and PHP.

by RS : 1024 x 640