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Statistics: Odds ratio
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Statistics: Odds ratio
A comparison of probabilities of events A and event B can be expressed in terms of an odds ratio.

2. Visual diagram
Disease odds ratioLet us assume that a disease (e.g., virus) enters a population of healthy individuals. Some individuals are infected. Of those infected, some survive and some die.

How serious is the disease? Do we know if one can go from "Healthy (exposed)" to "Sick". Are all deaths due to the disease? (or some other cause)

3. Odds ratio
A relevant factor is the odds ratio of "Dead" to "Survive".

Knowing the "Dead" and the "Sick" values does provide much help as we would like to know the odds that one would die from being sick.

4. Data quality
The model is only as good as the data used for the model. How accurate is the data being published on the disease?

Does any organization, country, etc., have a hidden agenda to change the reported data? Do they actually know the correct data for the situation?

5. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640