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Regression testing
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. Comparison methods
Regression testing, to be covered here, is a useful way to do change management as part of software engineering for both development and long-term maintenance.

Regression testing techniques are also useful for data forensics investigations and in data science applications that involve complex text processing.

2. Manual testing
Manual testing involves manually testing the system.

This is done using input from a keyboard and mouse.

Manual testing can be tedious, time-intensive, and error-prone.

3. Automated testing
Test automation software helps create and use test cases for software (e.g., unit testing, integration testing, etc.).

4. Regression testing
In regression testing, a module has one or more input test data sets. For each input data set, the module produces simple output in text file form.

Then, if a change is made, each module can be automatically tested by rerunning it (automatically) on the test data sets and seeing if the text output is the same. Each output data set that is different from the previous version must be evaluated to determine if that is what is actually desired, or is there an inconsistency that has been introduced into the software. One way to do this is as follows. Explain the regression testing method.

5. File comparators
A file comparator program compares two files and indicates the differences between the two files.

Some form of file comparator program is needed to make regression testing possible.

6. Regression testing
In simple regression testing, every unit of code to be tested is given some input in text form and produces some output in text form. We come up with test cases that given the input will produce the output.

Now, we make a change to the software.

We can now run all of the input test cases to produce new output text, and then compare the new output text with the old output text.

Using file comparison techniques, if there is a change, then something
might be wrong. What are the four possibilities. The advantage of regression testing is that you can automate lots of testing and quickly locate the problem areas. What are four possibilities that can happen a result of a regression test after a software change.

7. Change management
The relevant questions in change management are the following. In order to make decisions based on code and/or output changes, the code and/or output needs to be saved in some backup or version control system. Explain the concept of regression testing. Give a specific example.

8. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640