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XBox Kinect for measuring bone length
by RS : 1024 x 640

1. XBox Kinect for measuring bone length
Title: A Novel Linear Measurement Process with Application in Pediatric Endocrinology

Robin M. Snyder, Ph.D., Cynthia K. Snyder, MSN, RN

Goal: Non-invasive growth measurement and analysis using XBox Kinect and Python in real time.

Work done and presented in Spring 2015.

2. Purpose
Appropriate growth over time is an important indicator of health in children Traditional growth measurement methods rely primarily on height to provide a growth rate indicator - with inherent measurement process inaccuracies as well as human issues of inconsistent and inaccurate technique.

3. XBox Kinect
XBox KinectThe XBox Kinect was used for the exploratory project and prototype.

Note: Microsoft had discontinued the Kinect sensor itself in the Fall of 2017.

4. Kinect adapter
A Kinect USB (Universal Serial Bus) adapter was used to connect the Kinect to Windows.

It was programmed using Visual Studio (Community Edition).

5. Methods
A non-invasive method of growth measurement is presented that uses the API (Application Program Interface) and SDK (Software Development Kit) of the Microsoft Kinect®, a popular gaming device. Inferred skeleton data is available between various joints of the body.

6. Software
The Kinect was controlled and data acquired using C# and Visual Studio (Community Edition).

The data was analyzed in real time and presented in chart form using Python and the matplotlib package for Python.

7. Results
Data chartsKinect® measurements of skeleton data, using software developed by the authors, non-invasively collected data and statistically analyzed in real-time and visually presented results. Kinect data charts

8. Conclusions
Clinical and research implications include more accurately and more easily inferring symmetric and asymmetric growth time. The method could allow the periodic screening of large numbers of children for more timely identification and treatment of growth issues. Implications involving privacy, security, and health care need to be considered. Additional statistical models and verification may be necessary to utilize the raw three-dimensional data provided by the Kinect® in order to achieve sufficient accuracy for practical use.

9. End of page

by RS : 1024 x 640